Graded Written Assigments in Crocodoc

Instructors now have the ability to efficiently grade your written assignments online. 
  1. To view a graded written assignment, click on the Grades link in the left hand settings panel.

    grading written assignments

  2. Then, click on the hyperlink for the assignment you would like to view.

    grading written assignments

  3. Or you can click on the assignment directly from your course home page and you will be directed to your file submission.

    grading written assignments

  4. You will now see your assignment open up in Crocodoc view. This means that your instructor has the ability to make annotations and feedback directly on your paper.

    grading written assignments

  5. You can also see your grade and any additional feedback at the bottom of the screen. The grade that you see on this screen will be reflected in your gradebook.

    grading written assignments

  6. You can also download your assignment by clicking the download icon on the top left hand corner of your paper.

    graded written assignments

  7. You can choose to download the original word document you submitted or an annotated PDF version that has all your instructor’s comments and feedback.

    graded written assignments